PostgreSQL Monitoring Scripts

3 Jul 2016

Get replication lag:


# When things go as expected:
# ---------------------------
# 1. Gets the replication lag and prints that time to STDOUT. Time is in seconds.
# 2. $? will be 0
# Ideal number: less than 1 second?
# When things wrong:
# ------------------
# 1. Prints to STDOUT or STDERR whatever psql does when it can't connect, or something
# else bad happens, and
# 2. $? will be whatever psql decides

# Die on first error
set -e

# Die on first error in pipelines
set -o pipefail

# Die on first unset variable
set -u

psql \
    -X \
    -U $PGUSER \
    -h $PGHOST \
    -p $PGPORT \
    -d $PGDATABASE \
    --set AUTOCOMMIT=on \
    --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on \
    -P format=unaligned \
    -P t \
    -q \
    -c "select extract(epoch from now() - pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp())"

Get number of waiting clients


# When things go as expected:
# ---------------------------
# 1. Prints, to STDOUT, the number of clients waiting for locks to be released.
# 2. $? will be 0
# Ideal number: Unsure. Less than 5? Less than 10?
# When things wrong:
# ------------------
# 1. Prints to STDOUT or STDERR whatever psql does when it can't connect, or something
# else bad happens, and
# 2. $? will be whatever psql decides

# Die on first error
set -e

# Die on first error in pipelines
set -o pipefail

# Die on first unset variable
set -u

psql \
    -X \
    -U $PGUSER \
    -h $PGHOST \
    -p $PGPORT \
    -d $PGDATABASE \
    --set AUTOCOMMIT=on \
    --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on \
    -P format=unaligned \
    -P t \
    -q \
    -c "select count(*) from pg_stat_activity where waiting is true"

Get connection count ratio


# When things go as expected:
# ---------------------------
# 1. Gets how close our current number of connections is to max_connections, as a percentage.
# 2. $? will be 0
# Ideal number: < 80%?
# When things wrong:
# ------------------
# 1. Prints to STDOUT or STDERR whatever psql does when it can't connect, or something
# else bad happens, and
# 2. $? will be whatever psql decides

# Die on first error
set -e

# Die on first error in pipelines
set -o pipefail

# Die on first unset variable
set -u

psql \
    -X \
    -U $PGUSER \
    -h $PGHOST \
    -p $PGPORT \
    -d $PGDATABASE \
    --set AUTOCOMMIT=on \
    --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on \
    -P format=unaligned \
    -P t \
    -q \
    -c "select count(*)*100/(select current_setting('max_connections')::int) as conn_ratio from pg_stat_activity"

Get checkpoint stats


# When things go as expected:
# ---------------------------
# 1. Prints the ratio (as a percentatge) of checkpoints requested due to checkpoint_segments being hit,
#    over checkpoints hit because checkpoint_timeout has elapsed since the last checkpoint.
# 2. $? will be 0
# Ideal ratio: < 100% (that is, more checkpoints are hit because of timeout instead of segments filling up)
# When things wrong:
# ------------------
# 1. Prints to STDOUT or STDERR whatever psql does when it can't connect, or something
# else bad happens, and
# 2. $? will be whatever psql decides

# Die on first error
set -e

# Die on first error in pipelines
set -o pipefail

# Die on first unset variable
set -u

psql \
    -X \
    -U $PGUSER \
    -h $PGHOST \
    -p $PGPORT \
    -d $PGDATABASE \
    --set AUTOCOMMIT=on \
    --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on \
    -P format=unaligned \
    -P t \
    -q \
    --field-separator ' ' \
    -c "select (checkpoints_req::float / checkpoints_timed::float) * 100 as checkpoint_req_timed_ratio from pg_stat_bgwriter"

Get cache hit ratio


# When things go as expected:
# ---------------------------
# 1. Gets the cache hit ratio for for every database in the cluster and outputs it as a percentage.
# 2. $? will be 0
# Ideal number: > 90%
# When things wrong:
# ------------------
# 1. Prints to STDOUT or STDERR whatever psql does when it can't connect, or something
# else bad happens, and
# 2. $? will be whatever psql decides

# Die on first error
set -e

# Die on first error in pipelines
set -o pipefail

# Die on first unset variable
set -u

psql \
    -X \
    -U $PGUSER \
    -h $PGHOST \
    -p $PGPORT \
    -d $PGDATABASE \
    --set AUTOCOMMIT=on \
    --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on \
    -P format=unaligned \
    -P t \
    -q \
    -c "select sum(blks_hit)*100/sum(blks_hit+blks_read) as hit_ratio from pg_stat_database"

Get longest idle transaction


# When things go as expected:
# ---------------------------
# 1. Finds the connection that has been 'idle in transaction' the longest,
# and prints that time to STDOUT. Time is in seconds.
# 2. $? will be 0
# Ideal number: less than 300 seconds (5 minutes)
# When things wrong:
# ------------------
# 1. Prints to STDOUT or STDERR whatever psql does when it can't connect, or something
# else bad happens, and
# 2. $? will be whatever psql decides

# Die on first error
set -e

# Die on first error in pipelines
set -o pipefail

# Die on first unset variable
set -u

psql \
    -X \
    -U $PGUSER \
    -h $PGHOST \
    -p $PGPORT \
    -d $PGDATABASE \
    --set AUTOCOMMIT=on \
    --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on \
    -P format=unaligned \
    -P t \
    -q \
    -c "select extract(epoch from (max(now() - xact_start))) as max_idle_in_seconds from pg_stat_activity where state = 'idle in transaction' or state = 'idle in transaction (aborted)'"