Fun with tmux

2 Aug 2021

I finally got around to teaching myself tmux.

I had a bunch of microservices that had to start up in a certain order, and I wanted each microservice to be in its own tmux window, and I wanted each window to show a tail of that microservice's logs (using -f).

First, I created some scripts that pretended they were processes that had a long boot-up time.

Here is the script that pretends it sets up a kind cluster (which generally tends to take a while), named


set -e
set -o pipefail
set -u

echo init kind cluster
sleep 5
echo init some other thing
sleep 5
echo init db
sleep 5
echo done initing

Here's a script that pretends to launch a microservice that can only be launched after the init step above has happened, named


set -e
set -o pipefail
set -u

echo init events
sleep 10
echo done initing

There are two more scripts,, and, not shown, which are pretty much exactly the same as the above script; they pretend to be other microservices.

Here's a script that pretends to tail the logs of a microservice after it has started up, named


set -e
set -o pipefail
set -u

while true; do
	echo pretend I am a log file for service ${1}
	sleep 2

Here is a shell script named that will:

  1. create a tmux session named mydevsession
  2. launch in the first window and wait until it is done
  3. launch in a new window named "events" and wait until it is running
  4. tail (forever) the event service's logs (by using events to pretend log tailing is happening)
  5. launch in a new window named "billing" and wait until it is running
  6. tail (forever) the billing service's logs (by using billing to pretend log tailing is happening)
  7. launch in a new window named "admin" and wait until it is running
  8. tail (forever) the admin service's logs (by using admin to pretend log tailing is happening)
  9. attach to the tmux session

Here is the script that does that:


set -e
set -o pipefail
set -u


tmux new-session -s ${SESSION_NAME} -d
tmux renamew 'init'
tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION_NAME} '; tmux wait-for -S init-done' Enter\; wait-for init-done

tmux new-window -t ${SESSION_NAME} -n events -d
tmux select-window -t events
tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION_NAME} '; tmux wait-for -S events-done' Enter\; wait-for events-done
tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION_NAME} ' events' Enter

tmux new-window -t ${SESSION_NAME}  -n billing -d
tmux select-window -t billing
tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION_NAME} '; tmux wait-for -S billing-done' Enter\; wait-for billing-done
tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION_NAME} ' billing' Enter

tmux new-window -t ${SESSION_NAME}  -n admin -d
tmux select-window -t admin
tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION_NAME} '; tmux wait-for -S admin-done' Enter\; wait-for admin-done
tmux send-keys -t ${SESSION_NAME} ' admin' Enter

tmux attach -t ${SESSION_NAME}

One fun thing to do is to leave out the last line of the above script, and run it in a different terminal instead, so that you can watch tmux start things up in real-time, and see that tmux really is waiting for each dependency to start before proceeding to the next.

The real secret seems to be this combo:

tmux wait-for -S [my-signal] // wait-for [my-signal]

What we're doing is firing off keystrokes (tmux send-keys) into our running tmux session. Usually this happens right away, and tmux rushes on to the next thing.

So what we do instead is run a microservice (e.g. and then follow up that command with a tmux command that fires a named event (tmux wait-for -S events-done). Meanwhile, in our shell script, we also have a tmux command, wait-for events-done. What this does is block our shell script until it receives that signal. This prevents our shell script from hurring ahead and launching later microservices before the earlier microservices they depend on are running.